Rubrics » UNI(di)VERSITY
Models of Globalization
By the end of June 2017, when the seminar on “Marxist mathematical economics” was wrapping up, I announced a plan to organize a scientific seminar on “Models of globalization”, and I expoused its basic themes. It extends the economic study from the national to the supranational (of international organizations) and global levels, as was the obvious progression of inquiries. In September, after consulting with potential participants and especially professor Emil Dinga (director of the Seminary “N. Georgescu-Roegen”, of Logic and Methodology of Economics), a plan of organization and a list of reviewers and reports were established. Hence, on the 28th of September 2017, I was able to publish online the purpose, the organization and the program of the seminar, which was described as “interdisciplinary”. Latter on, under the approval of the participants, it was named “Octav Onicescu”, because he was an important promoter of interdisciplinary studies and the seminar was housed by the Institute for Mathematical Statistics and Applied Mathematics, of the Romanian Academy, which bears his name. I also managed for the seminars (together the discussions) to be recorded and published on youtube,com and to be broadcast live, through Skype. More
The Private Academy
The Private Academy ( is a purely private educational project. Initiated in the fall of 2015, it was meant as an alternative set up to recover the spirit of authentic education, devoid of official accreditations and useless stencils, and at the same time not dependent on captive clienteles. The idea behind it was that maybe there are people who still believe that education is a good thing that must be acquired not for diplomas or formalities, but for its intrinsic value. Likewise, maybe there are people who think education is a good thing and who believe that they have something to offer in this respect. The only genuine reform of education is to bring those categories together. More
Internationalization Squared
Research Center in International Business and Economics (CCREI) is an academic entity where the complex processes and phenomena specific to internal and global economic and socio - political landscape are analyzed and interpreted in a professional way. CCREI functions under the umbrella of the Department of International Business and Economics, Faculty of International Business and Economics, the Bucharest University of Economic Studies. More
Amfiteatru Economic, on the Market for Mainstream Scientific Journals
The global market of science publications undergoes continuous restructuring, an aspect that is increasingly manifest in economics and its subordinate econo-disciplines as well. This market is characterised by several specific trends with a long-term impact on all publications. First, the market of econo-sciences is marked by a spectacular and irreversible thematic diversification, the author being often replaced by a multidisciplinary team that contributes to the conception and writing of a scientific paper. More
Education Is Borderless
A strategic approach to the education and research process implies the development of particular mechanisms for internationalization, in order for the students and teachers in our University to be connected to the style, the hallmarks of modernity and the standards of professional development similar to those of prestigious Universities. More