About Those Candidates
No. 50, Nov.-Dec. 2024 Let me tell you about the presidential candidate that was closest to my ideal: Ron Paul. He is a classical liberal, monarchist (small government supporter), advocate of total freedom of markets, advocate of institutional respect for the individual and his property, opposed to inflationism and to subsidies, opposed to corporate privilege, opposed to the military industrial complex, eager to end America’s warlike adventures, isolationist in this respect, but an enemy of tariffs or protectionism and an advocate of international free trade, yet a foe of state-sponsored immigration, a Christian and cultural conservative but open to freedom of association among people of all kinds, a gynecologist opposed to abortion but understanding the difficulty of the issue and offering the solution of delegating the problem by way of subsidiarity to smaller states or communities, in short, a man of the establishment, a Libertarian and then Republican Party politician, a congressman, a member of various committees and commissions. More