Founder Editor in Chief: Octavian-Dragomir Jora ISSN (print) 2537 - 2610
ISSN (online) 2558 - 8206
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Challenges and Opportunities for the Future of Competitiveness

Challenges and Opportunities for the Future of Competitiveness

Discussing competitiveness is both a challenge and an act of courage. Nonetheless, approaching a new perspective in this matter literally means walking into the lion’s den.Tackling such a challenge was a consequence of the subtitle of the Sectorial Operational Programme “Increasing Economic Competitiveness”, namely “Investing in your future” (structural instruments 2007-2013). This was the main instrument to bring into being the second specific priority of the National Strategic Reference Framework (2007-2013) – long-term improvement of the economic competitiveness in Romania – an aspect, which is covered by the National Development Plan as well. More

Why the EU Banking Union Won’t Work for Long

Why the EU Banking Union Won’t Work for Long

Banks are economic profit driven entities taught to perform in a competitive environment. Business agents cannot act lawfully in a predetermined and heavily regulated environment without seeking new niches and innovative business lines. Historically, money lenders and banking establishments have lent money to all kinds of borrowers and have financed various activities. More

Debating the EU's Fiscal Union

Debating the EU's Fiscal Union

A common European fiscal policy? Sure, but not too soon. This would be a simple answer to a very generous topic of debate among economists and decision makers.After the recent global economic crisis, where governments took most of the blame for their excessive indebtedness and for the lack of in-depth structural reforms, European Union (EU) proponents have pushed for a deeper integration of the EMU - “The Economic and Monetary Union”. The EMU is fundamental for the functioning of the EU structure. Economic integration has been historically the main driver for the continuous European integration project. More

The Juncker Commission Investment Plan and Its Potential Impact on the Romanian Economy

The Juncker Commission Investment Plan and Its Potential Impact on the Romanian Economy

In 2016, the European Institute of Romania (EIR) released a study aimed at assessing the potential impact of the Juncker Commission Investment Plan upon the Romanian economy. Following a tradition of over 10 years in drafting strategy and policy studies (SPOS) in order to support the decision makers in formulating the necessary positions required by different European institutions, EIR has published in 2016 a series of 5 studies, relevant for Romania’s evolution in the European context. More

Supporting the Development of Entrepreneurial Competencies for the Leadership of School Organizations

Supporting the Development of Entrepreneurial Competencies for the Leadership of School Organizations

This article presents the framework for implementation of a project within the educational system, targeting the development of school organizations by addressing the issue of leadership. The project is elaborated and implemented within the Erasmus+ program, by an international consortium that consists of the following partners: University Of Newcastle Upon Tyne from Great Britain, edEUcation Ltd from Great Britain, Univerza Na Primorskem Universita Del Litorale from Slovenia, the Bucharest University of Economic Studies (ASE), Romania and European School Heads Association from the Netherlands. More

Common Borders. Common Solutions

Common Borders. Common Solutions

The MIS ETC 2617 Alector project was funded by the Black Sea Basin Joint Operational Programme 2007-2013 with funding from the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI) and the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA). Its implementation lasted thirty (30) months starting from January 2014. More



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