Founder Editor in Chief: Octavian-Dragomir Jora ISSN (print) 2537 - 2610
ISSN (online) 2558 - 8206
Contact Editorial Team PATRON The Idea
Rebuilding Economics

Rebuilding Economics Series of articles excerpted from the printed edition [#1]

In the last decades, the economic discipline in its hypostasis of Economics (i.e. positive economic theory) was, and also currently is, subject to radical and massive criticism not only from the non-economists (including physicists!), but also from notorious economists, including Nobel Prize winners.

The perspectives of such criticisms are very different, starting from the conceptual bases, focusing on the methodological framework, and ending with the predictive potential. Of course, although the initial criticisms were focused on the mechanical ways of economic thinking (by taking over the Newtonian paradigm in physics), other points came to the forefront in recent years: the required interdisciplinary character of Economics, the issue of truth in the economic field (in a wider sense: in the social field), the required evolutionary nature of Economics, because of the evolutionary nature of the society, and even the requirement of a new formalism in Economics based on something other than differential equations (which do not indicate the dynamics – i.e., the causality – in the economic process) and so on.

Structurally, every piece published under this heading contains:

  • an enunciation of the issue approached;
  • presentations of some known positions in the issue examined;
  • critical examinations of the known positions;
  • the presentation of the position of the author;
  • a listing of the vulnerabilities or gaps in the author’s position;
  • a listing of the open directions offered by the author’s position to rebuild Economics.

Based on the above-mentioned structure of the pieces, it is expected that other analysts in the Economics field will intervene to comment, adding, changing, or rejecting the opinions presented by the author.

In such a way, The Market for Ideas could open and maintain, in the long term, a permanent, exciting, and valuable dialogue on the necessary and timely efforts to re-examine and re-construct the economic discipline as social discipline, from the current natural one, with the advantages and disadvantages implied. 


Propaedeutic Assertions

Rebuilding Economics (TMFI no. 9, 2018) 

The Structural Incompleteness of Economics

Rebuilding Economics (TMFI no. 10, 2018) 

Economics Cannot Be Anything Other than a Social Discipline

The Inherent Interdisciplinarity of Economics

Rebuilding Economics (TMFI no. 11-12, 2018) 

Economics’ Interferences

- Biology

- Thermodynamics

- Quantum Mechanics

- Topology

Rebuilding Economics (TMFI no. 13-14, 2018) 

Photo source: Wikimedia Commons



The Market For Ideas Association

The Romanian-American Foundation for the Promotion of Education and Culture (RAFPEC)

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