Ion Pohoață
Ion Pohoață
Economist, Professor, Ph.D., the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași, specialized in economic theory of institutions and history of economic thought
“Are Central Banks Literally Independent?”

“Are Central Banks Literally Independent?”

The independence of the central banks – mysterious or miraculous entities in the eyes of masses – is practically an inexhaustible topic for scholars-economists and political scientists, as well as for business-persons and policy-makers. Still, the ultimate bill-payer of all institutional settings and governance organizations is the consumer-citizen. For this character this bell (of the debate) tolls. More

The Piketty-ism – a Childhood Illness for the 21st Century

The Piketty-ism – a Childhood Illness for the 21st Century

The destiny of Piketty’s book was dictated by the subject he analyzed, the amount of ideology he reflected on and the style used to express his thoughts. In other words, Capital in the Twenty-First Century will find adherence and appreciation from all those who think, act and design their joys of life similar to its author. More



The Market For Ideas Association

The Romanian-American Foundation for the Promotion of Education and Culture (RAFPEC)

Amfiteatru Economic