Filip Clem
Filip Clem
Parliamentary adviser, expert in the economics and politics of European integration; graduate of financial, economics, diplomatic and security studies; holds an MBA in financial management from a private American university
The Worrisome EU Defense Union

The Worrisome EU Defense Union

In 2016, the EU put forward a new vision and a new plan for a “Defense Union”. The proposals are supported mainly by France and Germany – Europe’s most notable military powers. France and Germany are also the two major continental contributors to NATO’s defense system. Presently, both of these European states look for a more substantial “European defense” structure by and for Europeans, but certainly not excluding NATO. While the French loudly claim that the current EU proposal was initially a French one, the German side has more interest in its success. The team of France and Germany is mainly an alliance of common pragmatic interests rather than of a common political will. Germany’s defense industry is in a better situation, while the French one is hindered by the country’s stagnating economy (i.e., the French deficit issue due to EU’s macroeconomic governance requirements). More

Why the EU Banking Union Won’t Work for Long

Why the EU Banking Union Won’t Work for Long

Banks are economic profit driven entities taught to perform in a competitive environment. Business agents cannot act lawfully in a predetermined and heavily regulated environment without seeking new niches and innovative business lines. Historically, money lenders and banking establishments have lent money to all kinds of borrowers and have financed various activities. More

The Future of the EU Looks Rather Bleak

The Future of the EU Looks Rather Bleak

The last meeting of the European Council, from October 2017, indirectly pulled the plug on Turkey’s negotiations for EU accession. The EU heads of state and government have indirectly expressed their disinterest for the continuation of Ankara’s dialogue with Brussels in this particular regard. The public formula was that of redirecting EU funds for Turkey’s negotiations process to other purposes across the EU. More

Debating the EU's Fiscal Union

Debating the EU's Fiscal Union

A common European fiscal policy? Sure, but not too soon. This would be a simple answer to a very generous topic of debate among economists and decision makers.After the recent global economic crisis, where governments took most of the blame for their excessive indebtedness and for the lack of in-depth structural reforms, European Union (EU) proponents have pushed for a deeper integration of the EMU - “The Economic and Monetary Union”. The EMU is fundamental for the functioning of the EU structure. Economic integration has been historically the main driver for the continuous European integration project. More



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