Andreas Stamate-Ștefan
Andreas Stamate-Ștefan
Economist, Assistant Professor, Ph. D., the Bucharest University of Economic Studies, mainly interested in international trade - theory and policy -, comparative economic systems and history of economic thought
Causes, Correlations, and Liberal-Conservative Thinking Ahead of Romania’s (Cancelled in the Meantime) Presidential Elections

Causes, Correlations, and Liberal-Conservative Thinking Ahead of Romania’s (Cancelled in the Meantime) Presidential Elections

No. 50, Nov.-Dec. 2024 Over the years, I have flirted with the idea of economic discussion with many people around me, both in my immediate circle and others. The libertarian utopian (advocating privatization, free trade and sound money) often sparred with the lukewarm liberal realist (generally advocating “what can you do, nothing you can do, the state is good, as it is, lesser evil, let’s vote” etc.). Ten years ago, the lesser evil brought us – in the meantime – a greater evil. Apparently, things don’t make sense, but somehow, some people say, we still have to put the stamp on the ballot. More

On Brexit and Other Exits

On Brexit and Other Exits

The United Kingdom has just spent its first days out of the European Union. The exit, completed by the Prime Minister Boris Johnson (the third British PM in a row, since Brexit began, four years ago) together with his political counterparts from the intricate EU institutional architecture, stands proof that in the age of multilateralism, unilateralism is far from a lost idea.  More

Eclecticism in Economic Theory is Just another Name for State Intervention: The Case of Virgil Madgearu

Eclecticism in Economic Theory is Just another Name for State Intervention: The Case of Virgil Madgearu

Romanian economic historiography on Virgil N. Madgearu (1887-1940), economist and ideologue of the National Peasants’ Party, lacks of a coherent perspective on the ideas and theories underlying the great historical scene, despite its insights and factual information.The present study pays tribute to a classical liberal interpretation of economic history and economic ideas. It reconstructs the portrait of Madgearu, under the banner of “what would a classical liberal economist would have to say about him?” Was he closer to a laissez-faire approach, as understood by the French and British schools of thought, or to various other schools who support state intervention? More



The Market For Ideas Association

The Romanian-American Foundation for the Promotion of Education and Culture (RAFPEC)

Amfiteatru Economic