Cosmina Stroinea
Cosmina Stroinea
Student, the Bucharest University of Economic Studies, the Faculty of International Business and Economics, the Bachelor's program in Applied Modern Languages
Apple’s Handheld Evolution: From the Newton MessagePad to the iPhone

Apple’s Handheld Evolution: From the Newton MessagePad to the iPhone

Ever wonder how some things came to be? Just look at your phone. We cannot even imagine life without it anymore, but it is not always that we think of how much sweat and tears were put into achieving this particular invention. To be more specific, let us take Apple’s inspiring story. You have most certainly heard of an iPhone. The smartphone that most of us are so familiar with and which has a personal note given by the first-person pronoun “I” is, technologically speaking, based on the touchscreen concept which makes reading, writing and watching videos much easier to carry out. It certainly is a key that opens up a tremendous number of doors for user interactivity and we probably would not be able to give single-word answers when asked “what advantages does the iPhone bring us?” More



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